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Event #57 Main Event Day 1C

Day 1C

11:04 AM -- The WSOP stated that there were 655 survivors that will move on to Day 2 from Day 1B. Meaning that approximately 75% of the starting field made the cut. Todd and Pamela Brunson are also part of that number, but unfortunately Doyle Brunson is not. And Jack Ury who is 96 years old has entered the Main Event for the third year in a row. Jack ended the day with 23,075 in chips and will move on to Day 2.

Now also there has been a huge amount of controversy regarding the player who finished second in the charity event 'Ante Up For Africa'. So far the player has not donated his winnings to the cause. He has contacted Ante Up For Africa organizers to discuss his plans for the money. We will keep you posted as to what takes place with the situation. Day 1C is scheduled to begin at 12 noon.

Follow Up Regarding this charity event, basically no monies are withheld from the prize pool, nor are players required to donate their winnings. However, the overwhelming majority of players who participate and finish in-the-money donate between half to the full amount of their winnings to the charity. To our knowledge satisfatory arrangements were made with the player and everyone involved.

12:00 PM -- Congressman Barney Frank was the one to give the directive to "Shuffle Up And Deal!"

12:08 PM -- In a new piece of information designed to give players fits, tournament director Jack Effel has stated that in order to have the estimated number of players from Day 1C and Day 1D be able to fit on Day 2B, Day 1C and 1D will have to play 5 levels instead of four level as those on Day 1A and Day 1B.

We will keep you updated on this one, because the natives are getting restless.

1:13 PM -- The first bust came 7 minutes into play as one player in a 3 way hand who saw a flop of J 10 5 moved all-in and was called. Another player had pocket 10's, the other pocket 5's. None of the other cards helped as the ESPN camera crews surrounded the table, and although we don't know his name we can imagine the pain of paying 10 grand for seven minutes of action. Oh well, thats poker!

Seen so far are Dan Harrington, Jeff Dan, Dennis Phillips, Gavin Griffin, Liz Lieu, Marc Naalden, Matt Matros, John Juanda , Bill Chen, Howard Lederer, Lee Watkinson and John "Miami" Cernuto. Earlier in the WSOP John had to be rushed off to a hospital because of internal bleeding. But now he is back and in the same top form.

1:22 PM -- Also at the tables are Allen Kessler, Rep Porter, Evelyn Ng, Isabelle Mercier, Marcel Luske, Justin Bonomo, Liv Boeree, Justin Bonomo, Hevad Khan, Alex Bolotin, Jeremiah DeGreef, Pat Poels, James Van Alstyne, Hasan Habib, James Akenhead, Matt Hawrilenko, Joe Tehan, Rep Porter, Joe Hachem and Brett Jungblut.

1:59 PM -- Close to 2:00 PM, Phil Hellmuth came to the Main Event. Haven't seen it but they say he is wearing a skirt. David Singer has his yin/yang out of sync as he got into it with a dealer, which resulted in numerous floor personnel including Jack Effel coming over to talk to him about harassing the dealer. It was said that Singer had bad history with this dealer from other tournaments.

Phil Hellmuth as Caesar Note on Hellmuth Entrance -- Okay, this was ridiculous. Hellmuth had 100 women in white "robes" lay out rose petals and was carried down the path leading to the Amazon room before he walked to take his seat. Plus there were trumpets and drums being played as well. Hellmuth was to be given a "Caesarian" welcome to the Main Event. He may be a great Hold'Em player, but there are some serious psychological manifestations coming up that he really needs help with.

2:32 PM -- Main Event champion Joe Hachem took his seat late and had been blinded off about 1100 from his starting stack of 30,000. And a player hit four Jacks which means they will receive a hundred bucks worth of beef jerky from the WSOP sponsor! Woo! Woo!

3:12 PM -- It was just announced that the WSOP is celebrating not just it's 40th year of existance, but the fact that it has awarded over 1 billion dollars to the players. That is a lot of cash!

4:06 PM -- Daniel Negreanu had a hard time making things happen today, and his stack slowly bled away. Just recently he got down to his last 6100 chips when on a flop of 10 7 10 he moved all-in and his opponent took a while before calling. Daniel turned over pocket 3's while his opponent showed pocket Q's. Turn and river cards bricked for Daniel and with that ends the 2009 WSOP season for Negreanu.

4:37 PM -- Evelyn Ng was busted when her move with A 5 suited lost to the pocket J's of another player. David "Chino" Rheem also hit the rail after meeting the full house belonging to Jean-Robert Bellande.

5:04 PM -- Matt Graham also ended his chances for another bracelet this season when he could not overcome the two pair (A's and 9's) of the other player.

5:47 PM -- Official count for Day 1C is 1,697 players, making the total number of players so far 3,686. Still lower than 2008 1C which had 1,928 at the tables.

6:31 PM -- Top 6 players with chip counts are:
  1. Jeff Lisandro -- 125,000
  2. Tsai Chen -- 96,000
  3. Hevad Khan -- 94,000
  4. Igor Bouukhov -- 84,000
  5. Yan Chen -- 80,500
  6. Marc Naalden -- 79,000
Others still in the game are Lee Watkinson 62,000, Joe Hachem 68,000, Justin Bonomo 56,000, David Singer 78,000, Terrance Chan 54,000, Scotty Nguyen 49,000 and Isabelle Mercier with 49,000.

7:30 PM -- Players are now on dinner break.

9:16 PM -- Jamie Gold became the latest casualty in the Main Event competition. He went all-in with A Q against a player with pocket J's that he could not manipulate. Another Jack came on the turn and Gold went to the sidelines with the thought of another WSOP bracelet gone for now.

David Baker made a set of Jacks on the flop and was heard screaming for another Jack so he could get the Beef Jerky prize. He hollered, "JERKY!!!" on the turn and the river. But alas, he will have to continue to pay for his jerky like the rest of us. At least he did double up in chips!

10:32 PM -- At this time Robert Mizrachi lost a sizable pot to fall to 11,000 chips, Jeff Lisandro is up to 135,000, Hevad Khan lost a pot but is still over 80,000 in chips, Liz Lieu mucked her hand to keep her stack at 22,000, Tuan Le makes a big bet to win a hand against Rob Hollink h to have his stack grow to 47,000 and Branton Cantu goes ballistic on a hand screaming God**** **, f***, f*** and other choice explicatives after a bluff did not work. In fact the other player who called ended up with a full house, leaving Cantu with 10,000 chips.

Al Barbieri recently busted out of the Main Event and Antonio Tarver has just a few chips left in his short stack (2,200) and will join other railbirds soon. Chad Bautista could not overcome the paired Kings of his opponent and is on the sidelines. Players will soon begin their 5th and last level of the night.

11:02 PM -- Brandon Cantu eventually did bust out of this championship tournament. His all-in with A Q lost to the Ace high flush of his opponent, resulting in his dismissal. At this point there are still over 1,250 in the field, a good size in relation to the starting field size of 1,697. Also, David Singer just busted out with a throng of ESPN cameras filming the whole thing.

11:34 PM -- Tom McEvoy had his pocket 10's put to sleep by his opponent holding pocket Q's, resulting in his walking to the rail. Liv Boeree also met with misfortune after her pocket A's were runover by the Queen high straight of her opponent. Liv is now gone from the tables. Other players are really on the short stack with 4,000 or less chips. Expect to have the field reduced drastically on this level of play.

12:17 AM -- J.J. Liu got it all in with K 8 and was called by a player holding K 10. The table showed K 7 4 x x, resulting in Liu heading for the sidelines. Brett Richey also went to the rail as his set of 4's were crushed by an Ace high flush. Allen Bari had his pocket 10's stomped on by a player holding pocket K's. And when no other cards came to help Bari, he had to say goodbye to a chance at the bracelet. Following them were Annie Duke, Erica Shoenberg, Antonio Tarver, Alex Jacob and Eric Liu.

12:51 AM -- Play soon ends for the night. Number of players surviving will be posted as the WSOP releases them. See you tomorrow for Day 1D!

There were 1,106 who will move on to Day 2B. Here are the top 50 players for Day 1C:
  1. Joseph Cada, 187,225
  2. Tyler Patterson, 179,500
  3. Sebastian Stier, 160,050
  4. Chance Kornuth, 150,025
  5. Ariel Schneller, 147,275
  6. Jeff Lisandro, 146,950
  7. Timothy Little, 133,650
  8. Kelly Kim, 132,475
  9. Raul Mestre, 131,575
  10. Matthew Palmucci, 131,550
  11. Raymond Latinsky, 130,800
  12. Jeremy Kottler, 128,425
  13. Shane Howeth, 127,525
  14. Brett Shaffer, 126,650
  15. Ian Johns, 126,425
  16. Marc Naalden, 126,150
  17. Francois Balmigere, 125,300
  18. Martin El-Kher, 124,200
  19. Kyle Rowe, 119,950
  20. Eric Cohen, 118,400
  21. Igor Borukhov, 118,075
  22. Robert Dodge, 117,925
  23. Edward Harris, 116,650
  24. Josh Kay, 116,375
  25. Marc McLaughlin, 116,075
  26. Erik Hafner, 115,875
  27. Max Greenwood, 111,925
  28. Tri "Kevin" Le, 111,350
  29. James Keys, 110,950
  30. Jan Nordly, 110,800
  31. Andrew Batkin, 110,250
  32. Jamie Roberts, 110,075
  33. Tuan Le, 110,000
  34. David Hong, 109,200
  35. Anthony Newman, 108,875
  36. George Lind III, 108,150
  37. Robert Russ, 108,000
  38. Scott Baumstein, 106,700
  39. John Martin, 105,400
  40. Sol Bergren, 105,325
  41. Justin Bonomo, 103,425
  42. Ivan Lehoczky, 102,450
  43. Rick Fuller, 101,850
  44. Richard Tatalovich, 101,400
  45. Randy Edwards, 99,800
  46. Brett Feder, 99,700
  47. Waren Zackey, 99,400
  48. John Seiter, 98,700
  49. Jasen Henderson, 98,475
  50. Hevad Khan, 97,800